Tested to CPSC & UL Standards

Monday Motorbikes Family of Riders

E-Bike Safety Standard

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) has called on the manufacturers and importers of personal E-Mobility systems to establish product validation and testing standards consistent with 16 CFR 1512 and UL 2849 for eBike electrical systems and UL 2271 for eBike battery systems. Click HERE to learn more about the Consumer Product Safety Commission advisory for Personal E-Mobility Systems.

Monday Motorbikes Product Validation & Testing Protocols

Monday Motorbikes has established product validation and testing protocols for eBike electrical systems and our battery power distribution systems. All Monday Motorbikes products are delivered with Headlights, Taillights, Brake Lights and Reflectors to improve the rider’s view of the path ahead the rider visibility for those that share the lane. Further, our bikes and the electrical sub-systems are validated to the published UL Standards with the test records and the manufacturing date codes noted on the handlebar hang tags . Look for Monday Motorbikes hang tags as a visual indication of our support for the CPSC’s voluntary product validation and test processes. We have provided a Hang Tag sample as below as a reference guide.

Monday Motorbikes Tag Sample


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