About us

Our Story

Our company was born from a passion of riding and the love of the outdoors. Nothing compares to the happiness you feel when you find a secluded place to adventure in, a fun hill to ride on, and friends to enjoy your new experiences with. There are so many reasons to be out enjoying electric bikes. No matter what your adventure is going to be, we want your ride to be fast, fun, connected, and easy!

Find your favorite bike and join the Monday Motorbikes Family to see what the excitement is all about.  

Our Mission

Advancing the electric mobility

community to be fun, fast,

connected and simple for everyone.

"Good things come to those who initiate.”

- Susan RoAne

Product Philosophy

Vehicle Grade: Utilize best-in-class components and materials to provide you with the best electric bike that withstands the rigors of daily use.

Lightweight: All electric bikes we create take the environmental advantage and weight reduction properties of aluminum alloys.  

Connected: Not only are our new bikes connected to you through an app. We also connect our community with each other.

High Quality Standard: Anyone who can ride a bicycle can ride our bikes.

Our Values

Innovation: Drive innovation with everything we do.

Reliability: Build strong products and processes to offer the best customer experiences.

Ingenuity: Advance the sustainable micro mobility technology with unique, helpful, and easy-to-use solutions.

Rider Focused: As two-wheeled enthusiasts, ranging from motorcycles to scooters, we strive to create bikes that we would love to ride as well.


Executive Team

Marc Adam - Chairman Monday Motorbikes

Mark Adams

Chairman of the Board

Bruce Riggs - CEO og Monday Mot

Bruce Riggs

Chief Executive Officer

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