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MotoTote Mini


Mini Dual
Mini with Tie Downs
Mini Dual with Tie Downs
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Dropshipped through MotoTote

Ships within 24 hours - Transit 2-5 days

See MotoTote Mini In Action:

MotoTote x Monday Motorbikes | MTM Platform

MTM Platform

Heavy-duty steel primary support connects e-bike rack to 2" receivers, hauls up to 200 lbs., supports track/chock adjustability, and the attachment of innovative components.

MotoTote x Monday Motorbikes | StableStop Chock

StableStop Chock

Adjustable front tire mount secures electric bike tires, adds lateral support, and holds electric bikes upright while securing tie-downs.

MotoTote x Monday Motorbikes | BroadPull Arms XL

BroadPull Arms XL

2 extra long tie-down arms optimize strap angles and improve leverage to offer maximum stability for two electric bikes on the rack while in transit.

MotoTote x Monday Motorbikes | MaxHold Rear Tire Holder

MaxHold Rear Tire Holder

Scaled-down deep V, adjustable laser cut track wedges electric bike rear tire sizes up to 5" wide and adjusts up to a 52" wheelbase.

MotoTote x Monday Motorbikes | Zero Wobble Hitch Mount

Zero Wobble + Hitch Mount

Upgraded mount eliminates rack movement laterally in transport and requires fewer tools for installation.

MotoTote x Monday Motorbikes | Receiver Tube

Receiver Tube

Optimized receiver tube connects to fold-up mechanism and supports up to 350 lbs.


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