Monday Motorbikes Press Reviews for Best e-bikes
Monday Motorbikes Press Reviews



Monday Motorbikes Review
Monday Motorbikes Antero e-bike review
Monday Motorbikes ANZA e-bike review
Monday Motorbikes ANZA 750S e-bike review
Monday Motorbikes Torrey Review | Best Step-Through e-bike
Monday Motorbikes ANZA e-bike review | Best Cafe Racer e-bike
Monday Motorbikes ANZA e-bike review | Best e-bike

Monday motorbikes PIEZO emoped | emoped eBike

Performance e-bike | Gateway e-bike

Gateway - Road & Trail

Gateway 750W - the modern electric moped. Our patented design uses a 750W motor in a cast aluminum wheel: Powerful, lightweight and IP66 water-resistant. Gateway has a full suspension, hydraulic brakes and a 48V x 20Ah battery. Gateway - in the bike lane, around the lake, camp site or on the trail.

Monday Motorbikes Anza e-bike ridden by professional snowboarder | USA Snowboard Team

ANZA - Campus Commuter

Anza Program is well configured from the start: Powerful BLDC motors, 17.5Ah x 48V battery, twist grip throttle, padded seat, CST Tourance tires, handlebar risers, headlight, taillight, brake light and reflectors all around. Mondays are configure-to-order and you can build your ANZA to match your style. Speed up to 28 MPH and 40+ miles of range. Get there!

Monday Motorbikes Torrey | Best Step-Throug e-bike | Full Suspension

Torrey - Community Cruiser

Torrey is our step-through Cafe Racer. Full front and rear suspension with adjustable pre-loads to tune the springs to your comfort. Torrey offers spoked wheels, a long padded saddle, a powerful headlight and taillight plus reflectors all around. Torrey also supports popular trailers to get your groceries home, sports equipment to practice and kids to the park. The Torrey is a 750W bike with a high capacity 48V x 14Ah and an optional x 17.5 Ah battery. Ruggedly built, easy to ride and easy to handle weekday rides and weekend exporation

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