Copy of Referral Program
Friend To Family Program
Looking to build your Monday Crew or help a friend to make the transition to the thrill of electric rides with a Monday motorbike? We set up a program to say thank you.
- Register your bike on the Product Registration Page. If you haven't registered your ride yet please click here
- Tell your friends and family about your awesome ride!
- Give your friends your email that your registered to gain referral credit
- Get Rewarded with a $50 Amazon Gift Card or Choose to donate to a charity of your choosing below!

Lonely Whale: Working with partners to develop data-driven campaigns that address systems issues and reconnect us to each other, encouraging behavior change away from single-use plastic and toward a healthy, thriving ocean.
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One Tree Planted: Dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity and help reforestation efforts around the world. All by planting trees!
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4Oceans: “Here to clean the ocean and coastlines while working to stop the inflow of plastic by changing consumption habits.”
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